“Telemania” festival in “Ostankino”

Rewarding ceremony of “Telemania” festival will be organized in “Ostankino” concert hall. Youth festival of TV programs and films called “Telemania” searches for young and talented journalists, playwrights, directors, sound producers and artists in order to make TV and media more interesting for them. “Telemania” has been held since 2004 year and was founded by Movie and TV Institute with the support of International academy of TV and Radio. This year 540 students from more than 20 Russian and CIS cities took part in this festival. On November 21st in “Ostankino” concert hall results will be summed up and winners will be announced. This date is significant for all people connected to media sphere as it is an official International TV Day. To take part in “Telemania” please click the following link https://festival-telemaniya.timepad.ru/event/850048/ .